Dawn Watch Skitterlizard


Skitters, properly known as Skitter-lizards, are native to the Western Continent. Originally discovered by miners seeking new mineral deposits, and quickly exported to the rest of Pern when they proved to make good pets. They are not truly dragon-kin, being more closely related to the ubiquitous crawler, but convergent evolution has produced a number of similar features and abilities.


Appearance - Skitters have a slender lizard-like build, with broad gecko feet and a long slim tail. The legs are oriented horizontally to the trunk of the body, rather than vertically, giving them a scuttling gait. The feet have long digits with broad pads, and possess a series of microscopic ridges which allow them to cling to nearly any surface. Their heads are broad and rounded, with a short muzzle and small head knobs. The teeth are small and sharp, excepting the two hollow fangs which are connected to two small organs in the roof of the mouth which allow them to inject their venom.

Proportions - A Skitter’s size is measured from nose to tail tips.

Diet - Skitters are predators, hunting small creatures and insects. They have also been known to scavenge from the corpses of larger prey brought down by other creatures.

Habitat - Skitters tend to live in temperate climates, and can be found in a variety of habitats, from forests to grasslands.

Mating - Skitters breed throughout spring and summer. The larger the female, the earlier they will breed, with queens often coming into season as soon as the colder months have passed.


There are two distinct subspecies of Skitter, one originating on the western half of the Western Continent, and the other on the Eastern side. The two groups have two different sets of colour-ranks, but otherwise appear identical and have the ability to interbreed with each other. Mixed parent clutches may produce offspring from either set of colour-ranks.


Healing - Skitter venom is not potent enough to cause harm to humans, instead exposure produces a reaction similar to low level alcohol consumption, with those exposed being relaxed and slightly suggestible, as well as a lowering their inhibitions. In some people it may produce mild hallucinations.

Service - Being quite intelligent and fairly easily trainable, Skitters can be taught a variety of tasks which make them suitable for use as service creatures.

Companions - Skitters are generally engaging and personal creatures and thus make good pets and companions.


Venomous - Skitters have a neurotoxic venom, which is used to keep their prey from struggling. The venom is present in their saliva in a low level, as well as being able to be injected from their fangs. The larger the Skitter, the more potent the venom.

Telepathy - Skitters are capable of basic telepathic communication. In the wild the ability to project images and emotions allows the colony to keep track of one another and coordinate their hunting.

Wall Walking - Skitters have the ability to cling to nearly any surface. Their ridged feet are assisted by subconscious telekinesis, allowing them to walk comfortably on surfaces they really shouldn't be able to.


Colony Structure - Each colony structures itself around its queens, of which there are usually two, the adult leader and her latest offspring.

Colour-rank - Excepting the queens, who are always female, colour-rank in skitters does not correspond to gender, with each one able to be male or female.


Colour Ranks



Rank: Queen
Hide Type: Iridescent
Size: 15" to 18"
Mating: 1/per turn | Lays 5 to 10 eggs
Moonstones are soft white-blue, with a gleaming iridescent shimmer to their hide. They are the largest of skitters and the leaders of the colony.


Rank: High
Hide Type: Metallic
Size: 12" to 15"
Mating: 1/per turn | Lays 4 to 8 eggs
All shades of blue, with white or gold markings, rarely both.


Rank: High
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 12" to 15"
Mating: 1/per turn | Lays 4 to 8 eggs
Brilliant orange through yellow orange. Never deep enough to be mistaken for red.


Rank Mid
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 9" to 12"
Mating: 2/per turn | Lays 3 to 6 eggs
Pink through red


Rank Mid
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 9" to 12"
Mating: 2/per turn | Lays 3 to 6 eggs
Cool brown to grey-brown


Rank: Low
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 6" to 9"
Mating: 1/per Season | Lays 0 to 3 eggs
All shades of green


Rank: Low
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 6" to 9"
Mating: 1/per Season | Lays 0 to 3 eggs
All shades of blue



Rank: Queen
Hide Type: Metallic
Size: 15" to 18"
Mating: 1/per turn | Lays 5 to 10 eggs
Green Gold.


Rank: High
Hide Type: Metallic
Size: 12" to 15"
Silvery white.


Rank: High
Hide Type: Metallic
Size: 12" to 15"
Dark Grey through black with gold markings


Rank Mid
hude Type: Metallic
Size: 9" to 12"
Tan through warm Brown with grey markings


Rank Mid
hude Type: Chromatic
Size: 9" to 12"


Rank: Low
Hide Type: Metallic
Size: 6" to 9"
Shades of grey, often tinted with blue or green.


Rank: Low
Hide Type: Chromatic
Size: 6" to 9"

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