Dawn Watch Alskyrian


Originating on the world of Alskyr, these dragons are similar in many ways to those that people of Pern are used to. Massive aerial predators, they share their home world with several other intelligent species. Living in settlements called Caers, they work together with their bond-partners to protect their homes from the myriad of threats which inhabit Alskyr.


Appearance - A fairly typical dragonic creature in appearance, Alskyrian dragons have a six limbed build, with four vertically oriented legs and two large leathery wings just behind the forelegs. Their skin is soft hide rather than scales. Two large horns sprout from their head, which are typically backward pointed, but come in a variety of shapes depending on the Alskyrian's geographic origin. Alskyrians may have as few as three toes and as many as five on their forefeet, and typically have three toes on their hind feet. The tail ends in a spade shape. They typically have a large spiked crest along the head and back of the neck. Exact traits vary between different bloodlines/regions and are inheritable.

  • Common mutations include - alternate horn types, alternate tail shapes, changes to crest shape (including lack of a crest)
  • Dawn Watch Alskyrian’s have twisted horns, a crest with a single forward point and many backward points, five toed forefeet and a heart shaped tail spade.

Proportions - Alskyrian's are slightly shorter at the shoulder than Dawn Watch Pernese, but not significantly so. (height = length/3.25)

Habitat - Alskyrian's will live anywhere their riders do.

Diet - Obligate carnivores, adult Alskyrian's typically need to eat around once a week, more if they are doing hard physical work.

Aging - Alskyrian dragons reach their full growth by a turn of age, and full maturity at around a turn and a half, though smaller dragons may mature somewhat faster than larger ones.

Mating - Unlike Pernese dragons, Alskyrian dragons can and do mate for fun and pleasure. Females will typically only come into season and be capable of laying eggs once or twice a turn. Mating occurs in the air, with the riser leading their suitors on a chase to test their strengths before picking the one they wish to be their winner.


An Alskyrian dragon can fulfil any role within the weyr which a Pernese can do
Cargo - Alskyrian dragons, especially larger ones, are an easy choice for cargo duty, being able to carry large loads and take them swiftly from place to place on the wing or via between for longer distances.

Transport - As they are able to go between just like Pernese dragons do, Alskyrian's can easily find work in moving people from place to place.

Diplomat - With their ability to speak verbally, Alskyrian's with the right inclinations can make for excellent diplomats, as they may speak even with the psychically deaf. Their riders, being somewhat removed from the power systems of holds, halls and weyr's alike due to the non-ranked nature of their dragons, are often called upon to serve as diplomats and peacekeepers.

Crafter - Many riders choose to practise a craft, and there is no reason for them not to continue to do so after finishing their training. In many crafts a dragon bond is considered of benefit, and Alskyrian dragons fit that role as well as Pernese do.

Training Master - As with other types of dragon, early training is important for an Alskyrian to properly master their abilities, and thus there exist jobs dedicated to that task.


Fledgling - equivalent of a Weyrling


Flight - Alskyrian dragons are capable of self-powered flight

Telepathy - Alskyrian dragons are all innately telepathic.

Teleportation - Alskyrian's are capable of teleportation.

Telekinesis (minor) - The majority of Alskyrian's are telekinetic, thought degree of ability varies wildly between individuals. Most have only minor abilities and can only lift or manipulate small objects.

Fire Breath - All Alskyrian's are capable of breathing fire. The ability manifests at around 6 months of age, when their flame sacs are fully developed.

Verbal Speech - Alskyrian ‘verbal’ speech is actually achieved using a subconscious telekinetic ability to vibrate the air and produce sound.

Animal Communication - An ability to communicate with non-natively telepathic animals.

Command - An ability to influence others in the manner of a Pernese Queen.

Telekinesis (major) - The ability to lift large objects with the power of the mind alone.

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Colour-Rank - By and large Alskyrian’s don’t have an innate rank system in the way Pernese do. While some females may be identified as 'queens' and have a level of social control over the others, for the most part all Alskyrians are equal and a dragon's position is determined by hardwork and dedication rather than innate rank or personality.

Vocabulary - Alskyrians are hatched able to speak both verbally and telepathically.

Naming - Alskyrian's name themselves. There is no singular system of name ending like the Pernese, however they seem to be influenced by those around them in the egg and many will choose a name ending similar to that of their parents or a -th ending like the Pernese.

Gender and Identity - Personal identity is more closely link to colour than to rising/chasing status or pronoun use, and it is not uncommon for an Alskyrian to use pronouns which are not what is expected.

Sexuality - Alskyrian’s consider mating for the purpose of creating eggs as separate to mating for pleasure, and influence from Dawn Watch Pernese means that Dawn Watch Alskyrians consider both to be separate to romantic entanglements. Same-type couples may go through the motions of a mating flight, but can not produce eggs without an outside partner.


While the majority of Alskyrian dragons prefer to form a bond with another at birth, they do not require it and a handful in each generation will choose not to do so. Additionally, they may choose to bond to another of their own kind rather than to a humanoid companion, and it is not uncommon for two hatchlings to bond to each other rather than one of the waiting candidates. Alskyrian's are strongly linked to their bonded and many will chose to follow their bonded into death should they pass before them. However not all do so and with good support from those around them, formerly bonded Alskyrian's can continue to live fulfilling lives. It is possible, although rare, for such individuals to re-bond.


As Alskyrian dragons do not have an innate rank system, colouring is rather flexible among them. An individual of any colour may fall anywhere along the size scale and a smaller dragon may easily be considered of higher import than a larger one. It is common for Alskyrian's to show additional colours upon their hides and their identification is generally given as whichever is the predominant colour. (ie: a dragon whose is both gold and green, would be called gold if that is the colour they have most of, while if they had more green, would be called green). Colour is generally linked to rising/chasing type, however it is a common sight to have a dragon hatch as the opposite of what is typical for their colour.

Size: 20 to 45ft (15 to 50 with growth mutations)

  • 15 to 20ft - 1 to 3 eggs
  • 20 to 30ft - 1 to 5 eggs
  • 30 to 40ft - 5 to 10 eggs
  • 40 to 50ft - 10 to 15 eggs


  • Gold - Female - Metallic
  • Silver - Female - Metallic
  • Bronze - Male - Metallic
  • Red - Male - Chromatic
  • Cream - Female - Chromatic
  • Brown - Male - Chromatic
  • Purple - Female - Chromatic
  • Blue - Male - Chromatic
  • Green - Female - Chromatic
  • Black - Either - Chromatic
  • White - Either - Chromatic
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